

ChiroThin™ is a natural dietary supplement. Its formula, developed by ChiroNutraceutical, contains a host of nutritional ingredients that are well known to aid in fatty acid transportation, fatty acid metabolism, and blood sugar stabilization, as well as increase metabolism and detoxification. ChiroThin allows the body to more efficiently metabolize fat and use it as energy when an individual consumes fewer calories than he or she burns in a given period of time. ChiroNutraceutical has specially designed the ChiroThin formula to include specific amounts of amino acids, vitamins, and cell salts for further added benefits. Additionally, the ChiroThin Weight Loss Program includes dietary and behavioral modification guidance, as well as a strategy to help maintain a long-term weight loss.


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Meet Doctor Ingrid

“When I was younger, I didn’t understand that calorie is not a calorie. What I mean by this is that certain foods can change your metabolism and place you into a fat storing mode. When this happened to me, I felt like I was stuck. I thought I was doing everything right, I ate clean, worked with trainers, did boot camps, hot yoga, I was an exercise demon, yet there was minimal change. I also tried raw, vegan, paleo, detoxes and other diets as well. Overall there may have been a couple of pounds shed but nothing has been as effective as the ChiroThin program. I was amazed by the results. It allowed me to have a deeper appreciation for all the natural principles that guide us into health. And these concepts, I want to share them with you!”

- Ingrid